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- // CookbookFilter.cpp: implementation of the CookbookFilter class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "CookbookFilter.h"
- #include "../dsplib.h"
- #define MIN_GAIN_VALUE 0.00000000001f
- #define LN2SUR2 0.34657359027997265470861606072909f
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CookbookFilter::CookbookFilter()
- {
- lx1 = lx2 = ly1 = ly2 = 0.0f;
- rx1 = rx2 = ry1 = ry2 = 0.0f;
- param_cutoff = 22050;
- param_resonance = 0;
- samplesPerSec = 44100;
- type = LPF;
- slope = 1.0f;
- dBGain = -60.0f;
- bandwidth = 0.1f;
- computeCoeffs();
- }
- CookbookFilter::~CookbookFilter()
- {
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setGain(float gain)
- {
- // if previous gain was 0, we have to calculate the coeffs
- if (this->gain <= MIN_GAIN_VALUE) {
- this->gain = gain;
- computeCoeffs();
- } else {
- this->gain = gain;
- }
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setSampleRate(int samplesPerSec)
- {
- this->samplesPerSec = samplesPerSec;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setFrequency(float freq)
- {
- this->param_cutoff = freq;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setQ(float q)
- {
- this->param_resonance = q;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setType(CookbookFilter::filtertype type)
- {
- this->type = type;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }
- void CookbookFilter::computeCoeffs()
- {
- float alpha, beta, omega, sn, cs;
- float a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2;
- float A;
- if (type == PEAKINGEQ || type == LOWSHELF || type == HIGHSHELF) {
- A = pow(10.0f, dBGain/40.0f);
- }
- omega = 2.0f * PI * param_cutoff / samplesPerSec;
- sn = sin (omega); cs = cos (omega);
- /*
- if (type == BPF || type == NOTCH || type == PEAKINGEQ) {
- // on a bandwidth en octave au lieu de Q
- param_resonance = 1.0f / (2.0f * sinh(LN2SUR2 * bandwidth * omega/sn));
- } else if (type == LOWSHELF || type == HIGHSHELF) {
- // on a la slope au lieu de Q
- param_resonance = 1.0f / sqrt( (A+1.0f/A) * (1/slope - 1) + 2 );
- }
- */
- alpha = sn / param_resonance;
- if (type == LOWSHELF || type == HIGHSHELF) {
- beta = sqrt((pow(A,2.0f) + 1.0f)/param_resonance - pow(A-1.0f,2.0f));
- }
- switch (type) {
- case LPF:
- b0 = (1.0f - cs)/2.0f;
- b1 = 1.0f - cs;
- b2 = (1.0f - cs)/2.0f;
- a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
- a1 = -2.0f*cs;
- a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
- break;
- case HPF:
- b0 = (1.0f + cs)/2.0f;
- b1 = -(1.0f + cs);
- b2 = (1.0f + cs)/2.0f;
- a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
- a1 = -2*cs;
- a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
- break;
- case BPF:
- b0 = param_resonance * alpha;
- b1 = 0;
- b2 = -param_resonance * alpha;
- a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
- a1 = -2.0f*cs;
- a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
- /*
- b0 = alpha;
- b1 = 0;
- b2 = -alpha;
- a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
- a1 = -2.0f*cs;
- a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
- */
- break;
- case NOTCH:
- b0 = 1.0f;
- b1 = -2.0f*cs;
- b2 = 1.0f;
- a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
- a1 = -2.0f*cs;
- a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
- break;
- b0 = 1.0f + alpha*A;
- b1 = -2.0f*cs;
- b2 = 1.0f - alpha*A;
- a0 = 1.0f + alpha/A;
- a1 = -2.0f*cs;
- a2 = 1.0f - alpha/A;
- break;
- case LOWSHELF:
- b0 = A*( (A+1.0f) - (A-1.0f)*cs + beta*sn );
- b1 = 2.0f*A*( (A-1.0f) - (A+1.0f)*cs );
- b2 = A*( (A+1.0f) - (A-1.0f)*cs - beta*sn );
- a0 = (A+1.0f) + (A-1.0f)*cs + beta*sn;
- a1 = -2.0f*( (A-1.0f) + (A+1.0f)*cs);
- a2 = (A+1.0f) + (A-1.0f)*cs - beta*sn;
- b0 = A*( (A+1.0f) + (A-1.0f)*cs + beta*sn );
- b1 = -2.0f*A*( (A-1.0f) + (A+1.0f)*cs );
- b2 = A*( (A+1.0f) + (A-1.0f)*cs - beta*sn );
- a0 = (A+1.0f) - (A-1.0f)*cs + beta*sn;
- a1 = 2.0f*( (A-1.0f) - (A+1.0f)*cs );
- a2 = (A+1.0f) - (A-1.0f)*cs - beta*sn;
- default:
- // zero everything
- b0 = 0;
- b1 = 0;
- b2 = 0;
- a0 = 1;
- a1 = 0;
- a2 = 0;
- break;
- }
- filtCoefTab[0] = b0/a0;
- filtCoefTab[1] = b1/a0;
- filtCoefTab[2] = b2/a0;
- filtCoefTab[3] = -a1/a0;
- filtCoefTab[4] = -a2/a0;
- }
- #define valeurabsolue(a) ((a)<0?(-a):(a))
- bool CookbookFilter::MDKWorkStereo(float *psamples, int numsamples, int const mode) {
- float inL, inR, outL, outR, temp_y;
- int i;
- // something is not normal, return false
- if (param_cutoff < 20.0f || param_cutoff > 22000.0f || gain <= MIN_GAIN_VALUE) {
- return false;
- }
- for( i=0; i<numsamples*2; i++ ) {
- inL = psamples[i];
- inR = psamples[i+1];
- if (valeurabsolue(inL) <=MIN_GAIN_VALUE || valeurabsolue(inR) <=MIN_GAIN_VALUE) {
- continue;
- }
- outL = inL;
- outR = inR;
- // Left
- temp_y = filtCoefTab[0] * outL +
- filtCoefTab[1] * lx1 +
- filtCoefTab[2] * lx2 +
- filtCoefTab[3] * ly1 +
- filtCoefTab[4] * ly2;
- ly2 = ly1; ly1 = temp_y; lx2 = lx1; lx1 = outL ; outL = temp_y;
- // Right
- temp_y = filtCoefTab[0] * outR +
- filtCoefTab[1] * rx1 +
- filtCoefTab[2] * rx2 +
- filtCoefTab[3] * ry1 +
- filtCoefTab[4] * ry2;
- ry2 = ry1; ry1 = temp_y; rx2 = rx1; rx1 = outR ; outR = temp_y;
- psamples[i] = outL * gain;
- i++;
- psamples[i] = outR * gain;
- };
- return true;
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setSlope(float slope)
- {
- this->slope = slope;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setdBGain(float dBGain)
- {
- this->dBGain = dBGain;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }
- void CookbookFilter::setBandwidth(float bandwidth)
- {
- this->bandwidth = bandwidth;
- if (gain != 0.0f) computeCoeffs();
- }